Next to safety, structuring the day so it provides a valuable learning experience for the Apprentices and their Mentors is probably the most important factor to ensuring a successful Youth Hunting Day event. Since many of the Apprentices may be hunting for their first time or have minimal outdoor experience, organizers and planning committee members should see this as an excellent opportunity to teach them about a range of outdoor topics relating to hunting and the important role that hunters have in managing the province’s natural resources.
In your orientation station, a Conservation Officer and certified hunter safety instructor should talk to the Apprentices about firearm safety, importance of game laws the role of a Conservation Officer.
Mock Check
As part of the hunting station, the planning committee should have the Conservation Officers complete a “mock check” on a group of Apprentices and Mentors. This will provide an excellent opportunity for two-way communication as the Apprentices interact with the Conservation Officers.
Events Calendar
12/08/2014 00:00
Youth Hunting Events
Elgin County
Saturday, December 3, 2016
Fingal Wildlife Management Area
Middlesex County
Sunday, November 6, 2016
Gold Creek Farms
For Elgin and Middlesex County Youth Hunts contact Graham Decow 519 - 631 - 4491